10 Tips On How To Help Reduce Spam. Take advantage of the Junk E-mail Filter in Microsoft Office Outlook Office Outlook helps to mitigate the problem of spam by providing the Junk E-mail Filter which automatically evaluates incoming messages and sends those identified as spam to the Junk E-mail folder. Email programs differ but they all have some form of built-in.

If you ever suspect an email is spam click Report spam and block it. Pay Attention to Already Checked Boxes. You can also do this the other way to prevent false positives.
Block pictures in HTML messages that spammers use as Web beacons Office Outlook has an additional anti-spam feature.
If you ever suspect an email is spam click Report spam and block it. To prevent emails from going into spam dont send attachments. 10 Tips to Avoid Spam Spammers in most cases need to know your email address before they can spam you so keep your email address to yourself. In a few weeks I will showing you some of the best plugins which you can install to reduce spam however today I want to show you 10 simple things you can do to discourage and reduce comment.