Add Content To Case And Place Sources. On the Advanced eDiscovery page click the Cases tab and then select the case that you want to add custodians to. Lorsquune source de contenu fait partie dun cas vous pouvez la placer en conservation afin quune copie soit conservée.

The window displays all of the base formats that have been added by CaseWare International and any existing firm content grouped by each statement areas. You can also filter the source content you include such as by author or sender by a date range or by search keywords. Then when youre ready to create some curated content posts youve got a collection of material all ready.
Wenn eine Inhaltsquelle Teil eines Falles ist können Sie Sie speichern damit eine Kopie aufbewahrt wird.
This is a classic for marketers magazines and sites like Buzzfeed. The source for this interactive example is stored in a GitHub repository. Make it your priority and youll succeed. You can also filter the source content you include such as by author or sender by a date range or by search keywords.