Add One Or More Records To Database. For your current WHILE loop it should be start from 301 not 2300 So it should be SET Numbers 301 WHILE Numbers. SQL Structured Query Language sql In this syntax rows are separated by commas in the VALUES clause.

Following is the basic syntax of the MySQL INSERT Statement. We will learn the INSERT syntax a couple of different ways we can ad. With t as select 301 as Numbers union all select Numbers1 from t where Numbers 2300 insert into dboNumbers Numbers select Numbers from t option maxrecursion 0.
SQL Structured Query Language sql In this syntax rows are separated by commas in the VALUES clause.
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES 4 four5five6six. Specifying values in the INSERT statement for columns to be added. As a result of this there is formation of a database which holds more amount of data and information. Insert statement is a DML Data modification language statement which is used to insert data in the MySQL table.