Add Rss Feeds To Your Site. Feedroll RSS Viewer is a free tool to create embed and display a feed onto your web site or social media sites. As soon as a new piece of content is published on a website the RSS feed gets updated.

5 Click the Content and Styling Options tab and choose fonts colors and other options for how your RSS feed will display in your site. As soon as a new piece of content is published on a website the RSS feed gets updated. Feedroll RSS Viewer is a free tool to create embed and display a feed onto your web site or social media sites.
It also helps to.
After you add the URL press the Create Widget icon. While the process is not simple by following the steps below. Every time you make a change to your site all your subscribers are automatically informed. If a site is hosted on Blogger simply add feedspostsdefault to the end of the URL for example httpblognameblogspot.