Associate Back End Server. After you create an HTTP setting you must associate it with one or more request-routing rules. Nebenbei gibt es aber noch einige Limitierungen die den Einsatz als Backend Server nicht unbedingt sinnvoll erscheinen lassen zB.

Windows Server 2012 Credential erforderlich ist. In other words its the storage and communication between a website or applications database and browser. It is also used to submit data from the client to the server.
Die Übungen in diesem Kurs basieren auf Windows Server 2012 R2 und Windows 81.
Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services die die dritte von drei Prüfungen ist die für MCSA. In the clientserver model the client is usually considered the front end and the server is usually considered the back end even when some presentation work is. As a Backend Engineer in one of our mission teams you focus on a specific part of our business while still keeping our overarching customer centricity in mind. This request is sent back to the server-side and the server-side starts parsing this incoming request to find the relevant data and send it back to the frontend.