Change Hole Size In Doughnut Chart. The labels of the pie chart or doughnut chart support the label content property which lets you choose if you want to display absolute values percentages or both Label content. Change the hole size in a doughnut chart.

To change the doughnut charts hole size is very easy in Excel please do as follow. Then in the Format Data Series dialog you can drag the slider to adjust the hole size you need in the Doughnut Hole size section also you can type the percentage into the text box to get the exact size you want. Any help will be appreciated.
Asked 2020-08-31 060304 0100.
Then in the Format Data Series dialog you can drag the slider to adjust the hole size you. To change the chart title you can double-click on Chart Title and type the new name on the textbox. Any help will be appreciated. The hole size or radius of daughtnut chart will increase or decrease in the changes of chartjs you must be using.