Check Out File Located On Sharepoint. After check out the file icon is covered with a green downward-pointing arrow indicating that the file is now checked out. What I seek to achieve is.

However there is no Checked Out icon on the file in the local folder of your device because the local folder has no knowledge of the check outcheck in state of the file on SharePoint. Go to Library SettingsManage files which have no checked in versions under Permissions and Managementcheck if the file is thereIf yes take ownership of it and then try to check it in. When the file is checked out the icon next to the file name is partially covered by a green downward-pointing arrow.
Select the document s to Check in.
I cant seem to figure out how to get the folder of selected document let alone the rest. You can check out one or more files at a time. A-Documentdoc already exists in SharePoint. Get the folder the document is in.