Combine Lists Into One List. All_list e for l in a k so_on for e in l. Similarly Copy Headers from both Lists one next to other.

You can combine lists using a Data view web part creating a new linked resource. The following is a list comprehension with so_on being used as a short-cut just in the example to represent the actual remaining lists that you want to combine. Another method is to use a generator function to yield an iterator and convert it to a list.
Combine the two simple lists 1 2 and 3 4.
List of list listOfList 1 2 3 4 5. The itertools allows us to chain the multiple lists so that the simple solution is to iterating the items in both the lists and generate a new list or we can even use for processing. You can use a list comprehension the itertools library or simply loop through the list of lists adding each item to a separate list etc. You can combine lists using a Data view web part creating a new linked resource.