Create Office 365 Group From Small. No not once the team is created. Youll have the option of linking them as you are creating the team but not later.

Just like you can create an Office 365 Group from Outlook Online you can also do so from Outlook. Creating Office 365 G roup via Admin Portal You can create an Office 365 group using the ExchangeOffice 365 Admin Center. Creating an Office 365 Group in Microsoft Planner.
On the Settings page enter the required information including privacy level Public or Private classification and whether group members should follow group conversations and events in.
Finish setting up the group adding people or other groups who you want to be able to create groups in your org. We recommend that you use the Exchange Online PowerShell V2 module to connect to Exchange Online PowerShell. In the Microsoft 365 admin center go to the Active groups page underneath Groups in the left-hand navigation and select Add a group. On the Choose a group type page select Office 365 and select Next.