Create Or Edit Hyperlink. Edit a hyperlink Hold down CONTROL click the hyperlink and then click Edit Hyperlink. For this right-click a cell holding the link and select Edit Hyperlink from the context menu or press the CrtlK shortcut or click the Hyperlink button on the ribbon.
To delete a hyperlink select the hyperlink in the hyperlink list click Delete and then click OK. Make the changes that you want and then click OK. Insert Hyperlink and Hyperlink Address field in Gantt Chart then edit them.
Press CtrlK To change a hyperlink select the hyperlink in the hyperlink list make the changes that you want in the Address Sub-address and Description boxes and then click OK.
Step 1 Open an Excel document. If you created a hyperlink by using the Insert Hyperlink dialog then use a similar dialog to change it. To change the address or display text of a hyperlink you added right-click the link and click Edit Hyperlink. If this doesnt generate a drop down menu try highlighting the link and then right clicking In the drop down menu that appears select Edit hyperlink.