Database Properties For Category To. Document databases are a good choice for rapid development because you can change the properties of the data you want to save at any point without altering existing structures or data. For more information on validation refer to Category Validation.

213 Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct term from the list below. Document databases are a good choice for rapid development because you can change the properties of the data you want to save at any point without altering existing structures or data. DbForge Studio for SQL Server provides the Document Category feature that assigns a color and shape to the server connection grouped under four environment categories.
1322 Specifying Values in an Initialization Parameter File.
We will need to loop through all the databases in the SQL Server instance to get all the database file properties for all databases. In the Column Properties dialog box click the Collection tab and then choose one of the following collection types. In the Database Properties window under Categories click the Columns. Most of the columns in this table are self-explanatory with a few exceptions.