Delete Or Restore Users. On the Restore page follow the instructions to set the password and select Restore. When users are deleted from Azure Active Directory Azure AD they are moved to a deleted state and no longer appear in the user list.

If youre a space admin you can restore deleted pages back into a space. Get-ADObject -Filter isDeleted -eq True -and name -ne Deleted Objects. In diesem Beispiel wird das Benutzerkonto für Walter Harp aus Azure AD gelöscht.
On the Deleted users page select the user that you want to restore and then select Restore.
Accept the UAC User Account Control prompt. Restoring a User Object using AD Administrative Center Step 1 Launch the Active Directory Administrative Center or run dsacexe. Restore All Deleted Old User Profile Files with File Recovery Software. To delete a Microsoft 365 or Office 365 work or school account see Delete or restore users.