Handling Junk Mail In Outlook 2007. Download DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer. DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer.

I enabled Outlook 2007s junk mail handling a while ago but this part of the program is a major piece of junk itself. Wählen Sie dort in der Gruppe Löschen den Punkt Junk-E-Mail aus und klicken Sie dort auf die Junk-E-Mail-Optionen Outlook 2007 und 2003. There are four different levels of junk mail filter settings.
Sie können die Einstellungen des Junk-E-Mail-Filters im Dialogfeld Junk-E-Mail-Optionen anpassen.
To add an entry to Safe senders and recipients enter the email address or domain that you want to mark as safe in the Enter a sender or domain here text box and then press Enter or select the Add icon next to the text box. For whatever reason it keeps moving mails from approved senders into the junk mail folder and no number of Mark as not junk and Add Sender to Safe List or even Add senders domain to safe list will keep it from moving the next mail from that very same address into the junk. Under Options select Block or allow. Mark items as read when viewed in the Reading Pane.