I Get Error When Opening Protected. There have been a slew of complaints across several forums Apple Microsoft and even Dropbox about the same. In the next Trust Center window choose Protected View in the left menu.

I have tried several methods to fix this. If you get an error when trying to open a protected file in Outlook 2016 for Mac its probably because the Active Directory Rights Management Services AD RMS mobile device extension hasnt been installed on your organizations existing AD RMS deployment. 1Just excel and word files from outlook attachments as far as I can tell so far.
In Windows 8 or Windows 81 press the Windows KeyR to open a Run dialog box.
Whenever you try to open an Office document Word Excel or PowerPoint file which was downloaded from Internet or was attached in an email Microsoft Office program opens it in Protected View which is also known as Read Mode or Restricted Mode. In Windows 7 and Windows Vista select Start type regedit in the Start Search box and then press Enter. I know opening in protected view leads to a problem in calling for modules of a WorkbookOpen event. Open an Excel file and click File Options.