I Keep Getting Reminder For Task Or. Outlook will rebuild the folder and the good reminders. You can use Desktop Reminder to set up reminders for tasks as well as events.

On the Preferencestab in the Calendar group select or clear the Default reminder check box. A sync conflict may also prevent Outlook from dismissing a reminder. Untick the section as the screenshot shows below.
After clicking on the reminders folder if you cannot find the corrupt reminder in the reminder folder.
Once youve clicked it well also save any changes youve made on this page. You can do even more in-depth stuff with Alexa which we cover in our guide on Alexa commands that will get you organized. You cannot assign a specific time to reminders in the Tasks. To switch from one to the other hover your mouse over the word Reminder or Task This will reveal a meatball menu 3 vertical dots Click on the meatball menu and click on Switch to Tasks or Switch to Reminders to enable either Tasks or Reminders.