Load Or Unload Add In Programs. When you select this node the Results pane displays a list of applications. In the Add-Ins available box clear the check box next to the add-in that you want to unload and then click OK.

In the Add-in Manager dialog box double-click the name in the list to switch between Loaded and Unloaded or between StartupLoaded and StartupUnloaded. Excel add-ins such as the Analysis ToolPak and the Solver Add-in are available when you install Microsoft Office or Excel. Thees script can be copied to your SD-Card and be executed by simply selecting to print the specific program and it will be executed accordingly.
In a network environment probably best done with a group policy to change the Registry.
Wont your add-in be loading when Excel starts up. When you unload a template or add-in thats located in your Startup folder Word unloads the template for the current Word session but automatically reloads it the next time you start Word. You can create a single partitioned data set from multiple input sequential unloaded data sets. You can use the following procedures to load or unload an application from the cache directly from the Results pane of the Application node in the Application Virtualization Client Management Console.