Mail Merge Invalid Merge Field. MERGEFIELD CURRENCY 000 Notethe 000 in the field is referred to as a numeric picture switchOther possibilities include. Then also this error is not resolved.

Mail Merged Barcode Doesnt Work Microsoft Word can sometimes add in extra spaces where you dont want them. However we have a single user who receives the error Invalid Merge Field at the point in which the VB app is invoking MS Word to perform the Mail Merge process and create the end letter. Toggle the field codes alt-F9 so you see MERGEFIELD FNAME.
Your merge fields were invalid.
I would bet my life the column names are correct but when I get to step 4 of 6 in Mail merge wizard this box pops up. For each mail merge field replace the MERGEFIELD with DOCVARIABLE. Make sure any leading and trailing characters are right next to the merged field and dont have any spaces between them and the merged field. When performing a mail merge in Word numbers dont always automatically display with the correct formatting currency decimals etc.