Move Object Forward Or Backward. 3 To move an. 2 To move an object a layer at a time choose Arrange Bring Forward or Arrange Send Backward.
If you have a vector P representing the direction the object is facing or pointing towards and vector D represent the direction of movement you can take the dot product of the two and a result greater than 0 means its moving forward. Select the object Object - Raise Lower Raise to Top Lower to Bottom. Moving an Object Forward or Backward Layering Objects When floating objects overlap or when text and objects overlap you can change the order of objects in the stack.
In other words you have code running that basically does this.
Select the object you want to move. That object would move at a variable speed. You said you have velocity but youd need a direction vector too and that vector should already tell you where the object is moving. If the object is hidden select any object and then press TAB or SHIFTTAB until.