Prevent Inserted Links With Spaces From. A second way of entering an address with spaces that should be treated as a hyperlink is to insert the value 20 the hex value for a space for each space. Right-click on any selected cell and select Remove hyperlinks from the context menu.

Using this technique the previous example address would be entered as follows. And insert the spaces between the words in the Name. If youd rather Word not create hyperlinks automatically you can disable this functionality.
Brackets around the UNC.
Select the entire column with Hyperlinks. Pass the url string that you need to remove and it will return the url string without any spaces public static string RemoveURLSpacesstring url url urlReplace. You could try to trick the mail clients by wrapping the addresses in empty tags and hope that they arent smart enough to see through it. By default Word 2016 and 365 automatically create hyperlinks out of web addresses you type.