Remaining Actual Tasks Field. Notice that Actual duration is 28 days and Remaining duration is 42 days. Remaining Tasks Total number of scheduled tasks and subtasks Number of subtasks and tasks that have a finish date on that day or earlier.
These TFS fields correspond to the Baseline Work and Actual Work fields in Project. Add columns to display fields that you need. Remaining Tasks - Contains the total number of scheduled subtasks that remain to be completed for a summary task on a given day.
Because Actual work is 224 hours Actual Duration is 224 hours 8 hours per day 28 days.
These TFS fields correspond to the Baseline Work and Actual Work fields in Project. To record actual and remaining work per task. Enter the number of days left for the task the Estimate To Complete for each task in the Remaining Duration. For example you might need to add columns to display Original Estimate and Completed Work.