Right To Left Language Features. The FirstSecondThirdLanguage menu items of the Options menu are left-aligned instead of right aligned. RTL right to left languages support.
Find-and-replace features search text in the order in which the text is entered in the Search box instead of the order in which it is displayed. 2 Elements connected with media-content management such as Play in a video player dont need to be mirrored. This feature only works correctly with grub4dos 046a 2015-08-05 and later versions.
This means that most interface elements should be flipped in order to be displayed correctly.
Right-to-left languages are often actually bi-directional. RTL right to left languages support. The FirstSecondThirdLanguage menu items of the Options menu are left-aligned instead of right aligned. A preference is now available that enables you to use right-to-left languages such as Arabic and Hebrew.