Save Visio Drawings As Xml Files By. You can export and import Visio files in XML format by using the standard Save As and Open commands on the File menu as Figure 21-7 shows. Formally this package is defined by the Open Packaging Conventions ISOIEC 29500-22008 standard.

VDX is a schema-based XML file format that lets you save diagrams in a format that products other than Microsoft Visio can read. Ive only used the Excel version of the report but it also allows the option for XML HTML or as a Visio Shape. The writing VDX files is no longer supported.
The vdx file represents Visio drawing XML file a drawing or chart.
Since MS Visio 2013 drawing files are written in the new VSDX and VSDM file formats. Other types of Visio drawings cannot be converted to BPEL. Close the file and then close Visio 2013. Select the Visio drawing file such as LoanMapvsd.