Uml Attribute Properties Dialog Box. In the UML Shape Display Options dialog box select and clear options to display or hide property values. Modify the text values in Attributes andor Methods as required.

Assuming you have created a Block and added UML Attributes to this block then yes you can set different values for attributes in instances properties of this Block. Name that will be used for any corresponding table column during forward-engineering if the Use Preferred Abbreviations option is enabled in the Engineering. Select class in the main window or the model explorer right-click and select Add - TemplateParameter popup menu.
Decision box - It contains a condition.
In the Properties dialog box use the Attribute Values category to edit an attribute associated with the class of which the object is an instance. The full syntax for an attribute in the UML is. To open the Java Documentation Properties dialog box. It is used to define the properties and operations of an object.