Use Tablearray Argument In Lookup. A1 CONCATENATE Participant_Name_Data A2 VLOOKUP Min Sell PriceA14FALSE For the scenario Im testing the resulting value in A1 is this text. This is no longer an issue because XLOOKUP enables you to select the range to return from column F in this example.

Syntax of VLOOKUP function VLOOKUP lookup_value table_array col_index_num range_lookup The parameters of the VLOOKUP function are. Click on the references within the formula and press the F4 key on the keyboard to change the reference from relative to. Is optional operation FALSE to find an exact match and TRUE to find the approximate match.
Table_array Think of this as the lookup table or the range of cells that you want to search.
Lookup_value the value that we want to search and find in the table_array. The description in cell H4 will be the lookup value that will be searched in the first row of the range defined for the Table_array argument. Table_array the range of cells in the source table containing the data we want to retrieve. For VLOOKUP vertical lookup the table_array must contain at least two columns of data.