View Version History Of Item Or File. Viewing previous versions of a file using File History When I try to view previous versions of a file I see a message No previous versions available I live in China - not sure if that has any effect and have a licensed version of Windows 10 bought from Microsoft Store China. Then you can choose the option Previous Version which function is similar to Version History.

Viewing previous versions of Documents without restoring them. Select the file that you want to restore to an earlier version you can only restore one file at a time right-click then select Version history. Select a version to open it in a separate window.
Then you can choose the option Previous Version which function is similar to Version History.
The three most common ways to access the version history of a file are. If the name of your list or library does not appear click Site. The three most common ways to access the version history of a file are. Next to the document or item you want to view version history select the down arrow and then select Version History.