What Happened To Visio Wbs Chart Wizard. The wizard gives you an opportunity to identify which of your field names provide the name and reports-to information. Using the Organization Chart Wizard.

The first screen of the Organization Chart Wizard gives the option of either selecting the existing information from a file or manually entering information. You must have both Project 2002 and Visio 2000 or. If that the case then you will get different charts at different times.
Im using the chart wizard in MS-project 2003 to create a pictorial WBS from MS-Project.
The Visio wizard requires the source file be closed so I can save the relevant data in a temporary file and delete it after. This add-in enables you to use Visio to generate a project plan from a graphical work breakdown structure WBS. 3 For each task you want to include in your Visio WBS chart click Yes in the Include In WBS Chart field. 4 On the Visio WBS Chart toolbar click Visio WBS Chart Wizard and then click Launch Wizard.