Workspaces In Sharepoint Workspace 2010. The paper also explains how to use SharePoint Workspace for peer collaboration and how to manage a SharePoint Workspace deployment. Für jede ausgewählte Bibliothek können Sie Alle Elemente die Standardeinstellung Nur Kopfzeilen oder Kein Inhalt auswählen.
This developer reference provides release notes describes how to create Groove add-in tools and provides the API class library. This guide will show you how its done. Ein SharePoint workspace mit kleinem w ist ein Arbeitsbereich der benutzt wird um SharePoint Sites ab der Version 2010 Offline zur Verfügung zu stellen.
This paper describes how SharePoint Workspace 2010 can be deployed to SharePoint clients so that SharePoint users can easily syncrhonize local contributions with designated SharePoint sites.
Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010 ermöglicht den Zugriff auf SharePoint-Inhalte gleich ob Eine Verbindung mit dem SharePoint-Server besteht oder Sie. Types of workspaces in SharePoint Workspace. The API class library documentation is in MicrosoftOfficeSharePointWorkspace. I have found that some of the functionality is a bit weird but with a little tweaking they can be made very very useful.