Create Web Query Parameter Query. Inserting Parameters into the Query Lets starting by selecting our query that we made in step one the easiest way to do this is to select it from the list of ranges as seen below or use the Queries Connections window to select it. Create a new blank query to be the real Parameter Name the parameter as youd like to see it in drop down lists Go into the Advanced Editor and enter the following QueryName meta IsParameterQuerytrue TypeAny IsParameterQueryRequiredtrue.

Type in a name for the query. Right click on your query and select Create Function. I am able to pull data for a date range from our web service.
The advantage of the Web Query is that when you Refres.
I am able to pull data for a date range from our web service. The query parameters describe the page and form a more specific URL that the user can save or bookmark. Join Over 165 Million Users Who Trust Wix as the Top Website Building Platform. To make your web query take the following steps.