Normalize Your Data Using Table Analyzer. Normalization is the process of taking a single-table database and breaking it into a set of smaller related tables with each table focused on a single topic or grouping of information. Query created by the Table Analyser.
Eliminating redundant data for example storing the same data in more than one table and ensuring data dependencies make sense only storing related data in a table. Search Microsoft Access Help for. You can use the Table Analyzer Wizard to help you split your tables into related tables.
If we dont take into account inherent unfairness and flatten them out the variables then we will end up with incorrect results which could lead to disastrous consequences.
Import the data from Excel From the File menu within Access click Get External Data Import. Correctly normalize your data to remove redundant data. Fortunately normalizing tables in Access is a process that is much easier thanks to the Table Analyzer Wizard. Since you have already imported your data into access and that data still needs to be normalized you can use an access wizard under database tools - analyze table.